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2021 Student Craft Catalog

We have elected to switch to a digital catalog this year.  The ever-rising cost of paper and its environmental impact combined with mailing costs nudged us to confront the ways we have been allocating our Student Craft resources.  Switching to a digital-only format allows us to invest the money traditionally spent on printing and mailing into increasing the quality of both the products we produce and, most importantly, enhancing the experience and education of the students we serve.

Because we are still recovering from 2020-21, when we saw unprecedented interest in our products coupled with less than 30 percent of our normal workforce on campus, some of the items you see in this year’s catalog may be on backorder at the time of purchase. We ask for your patience as our students work diligently to create these special treasures just for you.

We hope you enjoy the products and stories in this year’s catalog.  It, like everything we make, has been created with love and care, and would not be possible without your continued and steadfast support.

View Our Catalog