Every student at Berea College comes with a story—sometimes these tug strongly at your heart, but most always these stories involve grit, determination, and persistence in moving out of poverty and into the realm of a college graduate. Such a move changes not only a graduate’s life but also changes the lives of family members present and future.
Every item our students create also involves a story—one of learning, of creativity and design, and perhaps most of all, pride: pride that grit, determination, and persistence in a studio or workshop can lead to an heirloom that is purchased and gifted through generations. These stories make each item here even more precious.
By supporting Berea’s Student Craft Program, you champion all facets of learning at Berea— head, heart and hand. Your support helps ensure that Berea College continues to offer educational opportunity to students of high academic promise who could never afford the high cost of college. Your Student Craft purchase is an investment in lives of great promise.